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  • カテゴリー
  • お問い合わせに関する説明・注意事項:Explanations and notes regarding inquiries
     ( This inquiry form is a consultation service for individual clients affected by information leakage. Please note that there is a deadline for inquiries (until October 5, 2024). Please enter any questions, points of clarification, or additional information in the "Message" field. By agreeing to the above, you may proceed with your inquiry. )
  • 取引情報:Transaction information

    ( Please select your transaction information with our company. Enter the number printed on the bottom right of the individual notification envelope you received by mail in the following field "Inquiry Number". If you selected the music monetization service, please enter your email address in the following field "Inquiry Number". )
  • お問い合わせ番号:Inquiry Number
     ( If you received a notification by mail, please enter the "Inquiry Number" printed at the bottom right of the address. If you received a notification by email, please enter the "Inquiry Number" from the email.
    ※ If you have not yet received the notification by mail or email, please wait for it to arrive. If the notification still does not arrive after some time and you are unsure of the "Inquiry Number," please enter the email address that you have previously used to communicate with our company.)
  • 返信先メールアドレス:Reply email address
    当窓口からの返信先メールアドレスを入力してください。(Please enter the email address for our reply.)
  • メールアドレス確認:Confirm email address
    確認のため、もう一度メールアドレスを入力してください (Please enter your email address again to confirm.)
  • 氏名(フルネーム):Full name
    氏名(フルネーム)をご入力ください。 ( Please enter your name. )
  • クリエイター名(活動名):Creator name
    クリエイター名(活動名)をご入力ください。 ( Please enter the creator name. )
  • ニコニコアカウントの登録メールアドレス
    ニコニコアカウントをお持ちの場合、登録メールアドレスをご入力ください。ニコニコアカウントをお持ちでない場合は入力不要です。 ( If you have a Niconico account, please enter your registered email address. If you do not have a Niconico account, you do not need to enter anything. )
  • 被害を受けた日付:Date of damage
    情報漏洩により実際に被害を受けた日付をご選択ください。 ( Please select the date on which you were actually affected by the information leak. )
  • 被害内容:Damage details
    被害内容の詳細をご入力ください。 ( Please enter the details of the damage. )
  • 被害状況の確認書類:Documents confirming damage status
    被害状況の確認書類にチェックを入れ、次の項目(添付ファイル欄)から書類をアップロードしてください。 (Please check the documents confirming the damage status, and kindly upload the necessary documents from the following items "Attachments". )
  • 添付ファイル:Attachments
    スクリーンショットや写真の添付時にご利用いただく項目です。※対応画像ファイル:JPEG/PNG/GIF(HEIC形式は非対応)(This item is used when attaching screenshots or photos. *Supported image files: JPEG/PNG/GIF *HEIC format is not supported)
  • 警察への被害届の有無:Filed a Police Report?
    警察への被害届の有無を選択してください。 ( Select Whether a Police Report has been Filed )
  • 警察へ被害届を提出した日付:The date the police report was filed
    警察へ被害届を提出した場合、日付を選択してください。 ( Please select the date if a police report was filed. )
  • 所轄の警察署名:Name of the local police station
    被害届を提出した場合、所轄の警察署名を都道府県名または市区町村名を含めてご入力ください。 ( If you filed a police report, please enter the name of the local police station, including the prefecture or city/ward/town/village name. )
  • 担当の警察官名:Name of the police officer
    被害届を提出した場合、担当の警察官名をご入力ください。 ( If you filed a police report, please enter the name of the police officer in charge. )
  • 本文:Contents of inquiry
    50,000字以内でご入力ください。(Please enter within 50,000 characters.)
  • 個人情報の取り扱いについて:Handling of personal information
    株式会社ドワンゴの 個人情報保護基本方針( https://dwango.co.jp/terms/privacy/ ) に基づく取り扱いへ同意いただける場合、チェックを入れてください。
    Please check the box if you agree to the handling in accordance with Dwango Co., Ltd.'s privacy policy ( https://en.dwango.co.jp/terms/privacy/ ).



