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  • No : 19033
  • 公開日時 : 2021/12/28 13:17
  • 更新日時 : 2024/07/08 17:01
  • 印刷

[CUSTOMCAST] About data transfers

[CUSTOMCAST] About data transfers
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■How to transfer your account

Here's how to transfer your account when you change your device or reinstall the app.

Go to “Config” > “My Page”
Write down the transfer code and password on your "My Page".
Be sure to keep them before deleting the data by uninstalling. If you lose them, you will not be able to carry over your data.
Also, once you transfer the data, the password will be reset automatically.
Please make sure to update your password and write it down when the transfer is completed.

Tap "Transfer" from the title screen.
Launch the app on the device you want to transfer your data to, or the device you have reinstalled the app, touch the "Data Transfer" button on the title screen.

Submit your information
Enter the transfer code and password you have written down, then your account will be authorized. If all the information is correct, the transfer will be completed.

Note: About the application data after the transfer
After the transfer, you will not be able to log back into your account.
You will only be able to start the app in "Guest Mode" where you are unable to use "shop" "downloaded items", and "box".

■Data that can be transferred

You can transfer the following data to your new account when you change devices or reinstall apps.

Item history
The item history from the shop and free giveaways will be carried over. However, you will need to re-download the item data.

The number of free and paid CCs that will be transferred.
There will be no change in the number of coins due to the transfer.

Items in the box can be transferred to your new account
Item history can also be re-downloaded.

■Data that cannot be transferred

Please note that the following data cannot be transferred:

Presets and character data
Presets and character data are stored on the device.
Changing the device to another will leave the data on the original device, and uninstalling the app will delete the data, so the data cannot be transferred.

App settings
Config settings are saved on each device and will not be transferred as well as presets.
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