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  • No : 18756
  • 公開日時 : 2021/10/11 12:46
  • 更新日時 : 2024/07/04 16:27
  • 印刷

Accepted payment methods for channel subscriptions

Accepted payment methods for channel subscriptions
カテゴリー : 


To make a recurring monthly channel membership purchase on Niconico, you must use an accepted payment method listed below.
For the details in each payment method, please refer to the help articles.
For premium membership payment, please refer to How to pay for premium membership.

Accepted payment methods

  • Credit Card
    Note: We currently only officially accept Japan-issued credit cards for purchasing our paid services. Due to this policy, you may have been able to add an internationally issued credit card; however, we cannot guarantee that you will have an issue-free payment experience using international (outside of Japan) credit and debit cards.

  • PayPal

  • DoCoMo Keitai Payment for feature phones/smartphones

  • au Kantan Kessai (Easy Payment) for smartphones

  • SoftBank / Y!mobile Collective payment for smartphones

Unaccepted payment methods

  • Niconico points

  • Bank Transfer /Direct Debit

  • DoCoMo SP-mode Kessai

  • Convenience Store Payments

  • BitCash

  • MVNO

The listed payment methods are just examples.
Payment methods which are not listed here are not supported even if not on the “unaccepted payment methods” list.

For details about using debit cards, internationally issued credit cards, and bundle cards, please refer to this help article.

How do I change the payment method?

You cannot change the payment method.
  • If you want to use another payment method, you need to first cancel your subscription.
    Please check here for more details.
  • If you would like to change your credit card information, please check here for details.


お問い合わせはこちらのページをご参照ください。( https://qa.nicovideo.jp/faq/show/76?site_domain=default )
