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  • No : 16763
  • 公開日時 : 2020/10/06 15:14
  • 更新日時 : 2023/12/08 16:23
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How do I delete my account?

How do I delete my account?
カテゴリー : 


Before taking steps outlined below toward deleting your account, please be sure to read the following notes and understand the risks.
  • You will not be able to deactivate your account before you cancel your paid subscriptions (premium/Niconico channels). Please make sure to cancel your subscriptions before deactivating your account.
  • To deactivate your account, you must log into your account using a web browser on a computer or smartphone device. You cannot deactivate your account within the Niconico app (iOS or Android)

Steps to deactivate your account:
  1. Sign into Niconico with the account you want to deactivate.
  2. Make sure to cancel your paid subscriptions.
  3. Go to "Account Settings"(https://account.nicovideo.jp/my/account)
  4. Select "Deactivate Account" at the bottom and enter your password
  5. Once you see a message "Are you sure you want to deactivate your Ameba account?" tap "Yes" to complete.
  1. Visit Niconico in a web browser on your smartphone.
  2. Sign into your account with the one you want to deactivate
  3. Select "Deactivate Account" at the bottom
If you have forgotten your password, please visit (https://account.nicovideo.jp/password/reset) to reset your password.
Still looking for help?
>Contact Support


お問い合わせはこちらのページをご参照ください。( https://qa.nicovideo.jp/faq/show/76?site_domain=default )

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